Seasons Village partners with single mothers and their children to foster a strong foundation for intergenerational prosperity. Our commitment is to remove or reduce barriers to higher education attainment and increase both household income and wealth.
Pathways to Prosperity Program
Single mothers participating in the Pathways to Prosperity (P2P) Program receive the deep and intentional support that they need, and also remain engaged to broaden and strengthen support for others.
In the first phase of the program, our preparatory curriculum focuses on personal exploration and development, goal setting for the future and preparation for the challenges of completing a degree while still fully engaging as a parent and head of household.
In the second and third phase of the program, we stand with the mothers as they pursue a post-secondary degree or certification with labor market value, providing individualized coaching, financial assistance to break down barriers and a growing village of support.

P2P Pilot Program
Launched in the summer of 2022
Seasons Village MomI am one of thousands that share a similar story. However, I am the woman who is able to say "Thank You". The powerful impact of completing my college degree has changed the trajectory of my family. I will be sure to pay it forward.
Why is P2P so Important?
- Women with only high school diplomas are more than 3X as likely to live in poverty as those with Bachelor’s degrees.
- With each additional level of education after high school, single mothers experience around a 32% decline in likelihood of living in poverty.
- 38.1% of children living with single mothers live in poverty.
- More than 42% of jobs in the Triangle require an Associates degree or higher.
P2P supports successful and thriving families by:
- Centering family wellbeing for multigenerational success
- Providing customized support for each participant
- Making financial investments to remove or reduce barriers to obtaining post-secondary credentials with labor market value
- Leveraging our networks to build community and social capital through healthy relationships
- Improving economic mobility to create or increase generational wealth

College Acceptance Letter
"Seasons Village gave me the courage to go back to school" SV Mom